Friday, November 8, 2013

You turned 4!

Dear Evalyn, 

I can't believe how big you are little one. This year has been a hard one for us.  We lost our GiGi and Grammers.  You were amazing through it all.  Holding my hand and stroking my face and consoling me.  Reminding me of Jesus' sweet love.  You told me daily that GiGi is with him and she is well.  

You are getting so smart.  You write your name, know your numbers by sight and your letters.
You are doing basic math like counting to 15 and adding basics like 1+2=3.  Art is still one of your favorites but this year going to story time at the library has become something we both look forward to.  Your favorite part seems to be the bean bag song.  (throw the bean bag and catch...turn around turn around stamp stamp stamp).  You dance around the room laughing and smiling with the other kids timidly throwing your bean bag into the air and sometimes catching it and well sometimes not.  

You have glasses now...and let me just say you are the cutest glasses wearing 4 year old ever!  I just love how they frame your sweet little face and make your eyes shine.  

You had a fantastic birthday party at Jetty Island.  We went over with friends and family and had a grand time.  You played in the water and sand for hours and Daddy made hot dogs.  You ate tons of watermelon and cantelope, chips and treats.  You got presents from your friends and really enjoyed yourself.  I so love watching you joyfully leap in the sand and carefully tip toe through the yucky "weedies".  Sometimes you seem almost shy and then you just barge forward through whatever with this determination you must have gotten from your GiGi.  I've never seen anyone else but you and her face fear the same way.  Not that you are fearless but that you don't allow it to control you or change your happiness. That is a fantastic skill and way of facing the world little one. Mama is very proud of you.  

I can't wait to see what this year brings for all of us but especially's your last year home with Mama.  Last year before you start the era of school days, bus rides, sack lunches, backpacks and new friends.  I've so cherished our times just you and I.  I am also so excited to see you grow and blossom even more.  

Keep your spirit.  Know you are loved beyond all earlthly measures and stay true to what you know...always!  

Love always sweet girl, 

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