Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day 2011

Dear Evalyn, 

Today was a simple day.  A day of helping at the farm, playing in the snow, chasing the kitty and napping the afternoon away.  You are one year old, 5 months and 4 days old.  You've grown a lot in that time.  In fact, you've more than quadrupled your weight and almost doubled your height.  That's some growing!

You also walk, run, crawl, jump, dance (like a made woman I might say) and chat with all of us in your sweet little baby talk which every now and then sounds like real words.  You adore your grandparents and had so much fun at Christmas this year.  Opening presents and then wanting all the pieces of your new toys out NOW!

You got your first baby doll and promptly named her Ro...your words not mine.  You also got Ninah...who you named too!  They pretty much go everywhere with you  and you are a good Mommy.  Remembering to feed them when you eat, wipe their faces when they are done and "share" your milk.  That last one was only funny and cute the first time.  Now I'm tired of cleaning them up.

I say every day that I can't love you anymore than I already do but tomorrow comes and I see that I can!  You are my heart and soul and my world is complete with you in it.  You are a blessing to me and DADA and we love you so much.  

Til tomorrow, Mama

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