Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dear Evalyn, 

My sweet girl I haven't written to you in months. You have been growing and changing so fast I should have been writing daily but you keep me so busy.  

These past few months you went from walking confidently to running, jumping, climbing, turning round and round until you are dizzy and falling over...then laughing and doing it all again.

You talk...NON STOP!  About the people you love (mama, dada, GiGi, Pete, Grandma D, Nana, Baba and Livi), the animals you want all the time, your babies (Ro, Bebe and Ninah) and what you want to eat.  Oh and food is another new love for you.  You know exactly where everything is in the pantry because you spend a great deal of time opening the cupboard and saying "UMMMMMMM, mama, food?"  Usually you want a burger but you almost never eat it.  You will always eat fruit snacks or twists, bananas and grapes, frozen peas, and almost anything off of Dada or my plate.  

You still are a tiny thing.  About 23lbs and not too tall.  Your hair is coming in nicely.  You do have a bit of a fro in the back with pretty strawberry blond curls in the front.  
Your eyes are sparkly blue with little glints of gold and you love shoes.  You are getting quite good at putting your shoes on.  

One thing I have noticed about you is you are an imitator.  You copy almost everything we do.  This is really cute until I realized how often I say my head hurts.  You have started saying this exactly the way I do.  My head hurts really bad.  You will ask me from time to time showing your sweet compassionate side.  Even the childcare workers at Church have mentioned how kind you are to your friends.  Often comforting them when they are sad.  It makes my heart swell to know I'm raising you to love.  To be aware of those around you and to be kind enough to notice when they need some love.  

You are such a joy to your daddy and me.  Thank you for being exactly what I always dreamed of .  It's Father's day weekend and I can't wait to help you spoil your daddy.  

Love you baby girl, 

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