Friday, March 25, 2011

You are getting so big

Dear Evalyn,

I can't believe you are 20 months old already.  

You are doing so many things that are new and exciting.  The biggest is going potty on the big girl potty.  This is such an exciting time for you and for us.  I think its going to take you just a little while to figure it all out but you are on the right track.

Your vocabulary is getting so BIG!  You say: kitty, pup pup, cow, milk, juice, mama, dada, fish, jump, and so many more I can't think of right now.

You run like a wild woman with one little arm up and your legs moving as fast as you can.  Jumping is fun and chasing after your "big kid" friends too. Swinging is your favorite thing whenever we go to the park.

You play with playdough, paint with brushes not just your fingers, eat with a spoon and a fork, and love to listen to stories.  You love to color.  Recently I got you some whiteboard love them! Some of your favorites are Little Crickets Song, The Bear Snores On, and Chica Chica Boom Boom.

I am still so very much in love with you and can't wait to see what your second year will bring!

Love, Mama

1 comment:

  1. Your Mama made the comment about your running around and I had to add this cute little video we made of you.
