Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 2012 in Pictures

Dear Evalyn,

So the first part of 2012 has been amazing for you.  Painting supplies that you got for Christmas from your Uncle John and Auntie Joni were put to great use.

Daddies sore muscles were worked out in the living room while you copied his every move and moaned and groaned right along with him.  Playdough is always fun!

You started this...Cheese!

I love this picture of you.  Innocent and sweet and oh so Evalyn.

You have found the love of Carebears.  After rigging you up a baby carrier out of one of our T-shirt scarves you spent the day carrying them everywhere!

This is you sleeping...

This was you two seconds later!

And then the true excitement...SNOW!
We got a total of 10 inches over a week. We both had a bit of cabin fever by the end and wanted out of the house.  We spent plenty of time playing in it but it's not the same as going somewhere, sharing a "coffee", and doing a bit of shopping.  You really did love it while it lasted. 






The best part of 2012 so far has to be Ballet!
You look so amazingly beautiful in your leotard and little slippers.


I love you sweet Evalyn!

xoxo, Mama!

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